How to Deal With Acne

Acne is a condition that many of teens struggle with every year. Many don’t know what causes acne and that there are solutions outside of acnewhat can be found on the shelves at your local pharmacy or supermarket. Read about how teenagers should deal with acne and how they can get help from the dermatologists of Newton Wllesley Dermatology Associates in Wellesley, MA.

Teenagers and Acne

It’s estimated that 80 percent of acne cases happen in young adolescents and teenagers, and it is prevalent in teens for a number of reasons. For one, teens have overactive hormones that can affect the production of sebum (oil) in the skin. Secondly, teenagers aren’t always well-versed on the importance of keeping your hands and face clean. When bacteria from the environment and sebum mix, acne pimples develop.

How to Deal with this ConditionDealing with acne starts with education. It’s important to understand that you have to keep your skin as clean as possible and moisturized daily. When you moisturize the skin, it doesn’t have as much of a need to excrete oil. Also, dermatologists at Newton Wellesley Dermatology Associates inform their patients that picking at acne sores and lesions is not a good idea—proper treatment is necessary.

Acne Treatments for Teens

There are a number of viable treatments available for acne patients that can reduce or eliminate the appearance of imperfections on the skin:

  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Antibiotic creams and oral medication
  • Treatments to keep hormones in balance
  • Vitamin A to clear pores
  • Manual removal of whiteheads and blackheads

It takes time for some of these treatments to take full effect, so you have to be patient and consistent.

Talk to a Dermatologist

If you’re a teen or the parent of a teen who is struggling with chronic acne, contact the dermatologists at Newton Wellesley Dermatology Associates to discuss treatments. You can also make an appointment request online to visit their Wellesley office. You’ll soon find that enjoying your youth with a glowing, healthy and clear complexion is very much in reach.