Should I Be Worried About My Moles?

Should I Be Worried about My Moles? What you need to know about moles.

Your body has many different kinds of cells, including skin cells called melanocytes. They produce melanin which determines your skin molescolor. Sometimes melanocytes can form clumps, which produce a mole. It is normal to have between 10 and 40 moles of different textures and colors on your body, but their size is usually limited to less than 6 millimeters in diameter. You shouldn’t worry about these normal moles.

Your dermatologists at Newton Wellesley Dermatology Associates in Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts want you to know about when moles can be a sign of something more serious, like skin cancer. Moles can be an early sign of skin cancers like melanoma, and melanoma can be deadly.

Your dermatologists at Newton Wellesley Dermatology Associates want you to do a preventive self-examination periodically to check for skin cancer. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are several signs of an abnormality to look for, including:

  • AAn asymmetrical shape
  • BAn irregular border
  • CA change in color
  • DA diameter larger than 6 millimeters
  • EA change in shape, color, size or height

Your dermatologists at Newton Wellesley Dermatology Associates want you to come in for a consultation if your mole is:

  • Demonstrating any of the signs listed above
  • Painful, itching or burning
  • Oozing or bleeding
  • Growing back after it was removed previously
  • A new growth and you are over 30 years old

Many types of skin cancer can look like a mole or another type of skin growth. Basal cell carcinoma can look like a mole with a pearly edge. Squamous cell carcinoma can look like a scaly patch on your skin. Melanoma can look like a black or dark brown mole on your skin. Skin cancer doesn’t always look the same. That’s why it’s so important to seek out the help of a professional if you are worried about your skin. Your dermatologists can biopsy your moles to determine if you have skin cancer.

If you are worried about your moles and think you might have something more serious going on. Stop worrying and take some action! Call and make an appointment with your dermatologists at Newton Wellesley Dermatology Associates in Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts. Don’t wait; your health may depend on it so call today!